2006: Christianity or Death!
According to the good, family oriented, fear based, overweight members of American Family Association were nice enough to give me a prediction for 2006. Here's what are friends have to say:
"2006 is going to be an amazingly exciting year. We’re going to see victory after victory after victory, state to state to state on many state marriage amendments just like we saw in the year 2004." -AFA Site
Awesome! By 2007, we'll have stopped those damn faggots from marrying the ones they love! We'll make sure that women's bodies are controlled by the government! Muslim, Jewish, Pagan, and any children that aren't Christian will pay the price in our new Christianized public schools! The government will be there to make sure musicians, journalist and artist don't mention anything that is a threat to American security (like prison torture, police brutality, and other atrocities)! Damn, America has a great future!
“It’s a very good possibility that in this coming year people will begin to realize what’s really driving the homosexual agenda, what they really want, and will begin to get involved.” -AFA Site
You know, it would be easier if you nazi's just called it quiet genocide.
"Other issues likely to be on the nation’s collective mind include the cloning and stem cell debate, and a possible rollback on marriage in Massachusetts . " -AFA Net
Here's where it gets me: Why is Stem Cell Research a threat? Ok, so you're against abortion and stem cell's are aborted fetuses. BUT, these fetuses are going to be discarded so why not use them to cure serious and terminal illness. But no, let's throw them away because Pat Robertson says it's wrong in "God's eyes."
No, 2006 is going to be the year of freedom, not fascism.