The United States of America does not make up one twentieth of this entire planet. In terms of size, one of it's detached states remains almost the same size as the forty-eight others that make up this land mass. However, in the category of power, influence and dominance, it's metaphysical size is larger than that of Russia, China, Australia and all of South America combined. It's influence is felt in every nation, in every Congress, in every Parliament, in every palace, and on every TV set. It's foreign relations are the make or break keys to almost any situation.
America, as a political power, stands with other nations in an unspoken coalition. These nations have dropped out over time, due to political, social, religious, economic, or moral differences. Great Britain and Israel still remain America's strongest allies, despite controversial movements the behemoth has made in lieu of world affairs. It's acts and decisions have reverberated throughout the entire world. When America began to wage it's "War on Terror" against the starving nations of the Middle East and against the Islamic citizens of the world, Spain, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, France, and Russia suffered terrorism related attacks on their people and their sense of security. The nations slacking view on torture and upholding decade old world laws regarding warfare have caused anti-American sentiments to rise in the world. Burning of the American flag, a free speech practice condemned in the nation itself, has become a popular protest action world round.
The backlash of American occupations in the Middle East hasn't been the only guise under which insurgencies may occur. Alignment with Israel in foreign dealings with Arab nations has helped to rally Islamic support against the United States. In most cases, any nation spied doing trade, arms dealing, or economic work with Israel is seen as a traitor to the Arab people. While this sometimes myopic world view can be detrimental to a peace plan, the Zionist regime and occupational movement in Israel is a known and recognized threat to the Revolutionary Leftist movement. Palestinian and Lebanese peasants' working rights, along with basic human rights, are regularly trampled by the Israeli power. Outcries against the authority have been met with equally loud cries about the Holocaust. While Germany and Palestine sit over 3,000 kilometers apart from each others, the actions of one nation are still echoed against the other.
World wide, this state of matters repeats itself. In the growing leftist movement of South America, leaders face fears of U.S. retaliation because they have nationalized their oil industry, their health care, or their education, an idea that is threatening to conservative business interest. Rebellion against U.S. trade rules carries heavy consequences. Slander of the American or Israeli regimes can bring about the charge of terrorism or anti-Americanism. Criticizing this world power and it's European/Israeli allies can lead to the worst situations, from economic sanctions to possible invasions in the name of "liberation."
Inside however, the American people are sessile to their space by the tentacles of corporate and government power. Common action against the government has been replaced with reform and seasonal voting. The once popular forum like governments of the past have been replaced with the bi-partisanship of a two-party system. These two parties, while standoffishly different are inherently the same.
The Republican Party is a right wing group aimed at "traditional values." Hiding under the veil of a religion gone awry, this conservative party uses corporate connections to slash workers' rights and benefits, in the name of economic protection, while furthering the rich in their stage of tax exemption. They cease to abolish the rights of all non-straight, non-Christians, and women, ceaselessly calling for more biblical based laws to protect the common family. While ignoring the Bible's views on immigration, prisons and the poor, the Republicans continue to espouse hatred and intolerance.
On the moderate left side of the spectrum, the Democratic Party rests. A former leftist policy, it's shameful leaders have moved to the center to pick up votes, the dirty money of Washington. Looked at as the vehicle for the working class, the Democratic Party stands hypocritically, fumbling rich and powerful candidates who swing to the right on immigration, women's rights and other subjects all in an effort to swing a candidacy, instead of educating the masses. This disgrace to the left seeks only to further their slightly nicer version of capitalism.
Tossing away all third parties, these two giants battle it out in the corporate news, each acting as if their opinions differed from the others. In the end, only the proletariat stand to lose from their two party dictatorship.
The practice of reform through a seasonal ballot has become one of the only accepted change-ways in America, giving birth a lazy class of people. While a mass percentage do not vote out of lack of caring, another large percentage simply votes for the candidates in their adopted party. This idea is foolish and an example of how the bi-partisanship is tearing true reform asunder. A truely democratic nation, when facing fear of a fascist dictatorship or at the least, a dangerous administration, must not wait for reform and vote, but remove those in power by force.
Because of this, the people of the world must become their own political party. Better yet, they must raise themselves above that quota and become a sheer force for change, a deity in their own right. By doing so, their direct action can bring about immediate change of the way things work, as well as bringing the people to power and setting up a true government of the people. Those who truely dedicate themselves to this idea and are willing to give up selfishness and individualism for the good of the proletariat must step forward and form vanguards, to further the workers' struggle. However, the Western nations are well experienced in starting revolutions, but not for the right people.
This practice is being force fed world wound. More and more countries are being militantly turned over to a more American termed republic. Democratic nations of the past have lost their stronghold and new trade minded countries have only taken on the next to last stepping stone to becoming nothing but large monopolies. This practice can only be reversed by the direct action and retaliation of the common people. It is the sole responsibility of mankind to better its' living conditions.