
Pissed off rantings from a middle class adolescent.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Police State

On October 22nd, a Saturday afternoon, a 16 year old boy was arrested for protesting against his government.

The as of yet unidentified victim of the system was taken into police custody after standing on a street corner with a sign that said "Fuck Bush." The peaceful demonstration was interrupted when five squad cars pulled into the scene, claiming that the boy had to remove the sign and show ID. After carefully scanning through the laws, trying to pick one out to use, the pigs, already having checked the boys ID, took him into custody, which enticed a large, deserved protest from the others in his group. Ignoring the crowd, the constitution, morals, and the true American way, the officers took the boy away, on a charge of obscenity and obstructing traffic (even though he was on the sidewalk, so maybe they meant "obstructing drunk driving traffic").

Here is a video of the outrage.

Ok, so now that I've given you the full story, let me take the time to say: Fuck Bush, fuck those pigs, and fuck the current American imperialist, oppressive regime that feels the need to make it self seem omnipotent. There is a cornucopia of culture encroachment as it is, we don't need to invade other nations to show more of it.


Sorry about that, but I had to let it out. Now, back to a calmer look at this: this is another brick in the wall, basically. It's another example of how the American goverment is further taking away our rights using bullshit excuses. I know it's getting repetive, but people really should start being more aggressive. I know peace is the main goal here, but sometimes, violence may be needed. ONLY, however, when it is for your freedom. Violence is not the answer, though, when you want to use an innocent country as a scapegoat.


At 10:29 AM, Blogger nonhocapito said...

Jesus. This story is scary. Not that is the first one I hear like this.

You are completely right, people should fight for freedom.
Freedom of speech, freedom of being not patriotic unless they want to. Freedom to criticize, to be against war and against the president...
Until the Dems will focus only on gay marriage and court nominees instead than on this fascist state, nothing good will happen. It's up to the people to do something.

This 16 years old boy is a kind of hero. He really is.

Fuck Bush!!!! (And fuck Berlusconi too if you have any time left).


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