
Pissed off rantings from a middle class adolescent.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Things Have Changed

As some of you may know (or anyone who reads the political articles in Rolling Stone) the great Anti-War movement seems to be breaking into two. It's splitting off into different groups of people who want different things done about the war.

Group 1: The Moderate Democrat Group, just wants the troops out. This is the typical, "Veterans Against War," angry soccer mom stance. This is also the people who have children/spouses etc. Serving in the Middle East. They only want the troops out of Iraq and safe. They know that a war on terror can't be won, and some even acknowledge that Iraq never did shit to us.

Group 2: The Radical group, as I've dubbed my home dawgs (just a little joke with the black 'cent) want more than out. They are more for Bush being indicted and removed from power. They are for civilian uprising in Iraq/America. They are against this imperialism that is being wrought on the rest of the world. I don't blame them.

Now, if you would have asked me two or three months ago, where I stood on the whole issue, I would say Group 1. But now... I honesty don't know. I find myself wanting to keep the peace. You know, pull the troops out, drop Aid Workers in, something along those lines. But other times, I just wish the Iraqis would rise up in revolt and so would the citizens of the United States. I'm against violence, but I'm thinking it might be necessary if we want change in our government. Maybe the only way to accomplish these things is of all of us to join together, arm ourselves and start bombing mansions and anything else that symbolize American pig-corporatism.

Maybe I need to sleep on it. I think I will.


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