
Pissed off rantings from a middle class adolescent.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Songs for the Deaf

I recently got a comment on my "Dear God" article from an intolerant freind of mine. It was so great, I had to put it up with my statements following. Fun!

"I must say as intelligent as you are or seem to be, you don't have the greatest arguments and when you do you don't always express yourself in the best way. I disagree with you on this post as I have on many others but I think that you truly have pushed it to the limit this time."

Haha, no.

" If you truly had done your research you wouldn't have made this post because in case you didn't know (which I truly believe) the constitution and pledge of allegiance like many other historical things that our country is based on, are based on Christianity because the founding fathers of our country were...that’s right, they were CHRISTIAN!!! "

I love this part, because the whole "It was founded on Christianity" is the exact same arguement all the hicks in my town use. Yes, it was founded on Christianity. So was the court system, but you don't see them sentencing gays to a stoning for sodomy,do you? No, you don't. At least not yet. So yes, you're right in the fact that our country was founded on Christianity, but over time, things change, and people are sick of being opressed.

"You make yourself out to be big and a 'badass' but your really not. "

I welcome you to quote me when I did sound like that. But thank you for saying I'm not, I would hate to be compared to those big jocks who think they are scary. You're a true friend!

"This is what I have noticed during the times I have read your blog. You want to make just about every subject controversial...because you can and you get attention for it. Which I have also noticed that I am at fault for, and by that I mean giving you the attention you seek."

No, I don't want to make them controversial. You see, here's how I get my stories to right about...

I watch this thing... let's call it CNN, or I go to this magical CNN's website and I find these things called articles. They update me on current events. Sometimes, I see one of these articles about something major, like the court's over-religious ruling, and I realize that people need to know about this. So, I put it up on myblog. My blog is a thing on the internet that you aren't forced to read. It's like that, so if you don't like it, DON'T READ IT! How easy is that?

"Now, I know that I don't agree with everything that has to do with my religion as many people don’t but unlike you I don't go around finding a fault in everything about my religion and turning it into a big controversial issue.I highly disagree with the plan to get the Pledge of Allegiance revised. "


I'm not finding fault with anything in your religion in that article. I never said the Bible was behind this. I said that the extremists in the American justice system are. Learn to read before you bitch.

"I have tolerated many things you have said about my religion but this is too much.Now, I must kindly ask that you remove my blog form your links..."

I didn't ask you to tolerate anything. If you didn't like what I said, why did you keep reading? You could have stopped reading. It wouldn't bother me at a all. And I was considering removing your blog from my links, seeing as how hateful a person you are (especially against American freedoms), but instead, I'll be an ass and leave it up.

"...and stop making a big deal out of everything that doesn’t have to deal with your Agnostic beliefs. "

That doesn't even make sense.

Have a nice day.


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