
Pissed off rantings from a middle class adolescent.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Have you ever been watching CNN and seen a newscast that makes you want to go into a beserker rage and eradicate the Christian religion? Well, I did.

I was watching a story about a new Christian camp called "Love in Action" that helps teens deal with the "sin"of homosexuality (because love is bad). The idiots who lead this concentration camp actually think that being gay is a choice. They don't know even acknowledge the chemical reasons behind it. They all think that they can pray it away. This camp also has specific rules too.

  1. No Touching.
  2. No music, unless it's Christian music.
  3. Hair must be short at all times (like Nazi camps?)
  4. No clothes from Abecrombie or Clavin Klien, because clothes make you gay in "God's" eyes.

What pissed me off the most is when they interviewed a kid who had been sent there after his intolerant parents realized that their son was gay and that they were too pathetic to accept him. After finishing the course, the reporter asked him what his future plans were. He said Journalism, which is an interest of my mine also. She then asked if he was going to get married and have kids, and he said the unthinkable. He said he wasn't sure if he likes girls enough, but he'll try.

It's nice to see that dick-for-brains is brainwashed into thinking he has a choice. I'm sorry kid, but you're gay. Like it or not, learn to deal with it and figure out that it's not something the sky fairy will fix. This church is one step closer to relgious holy war.


At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know how i feel


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